You have always been a high achiever. It's one of the requirements for getting into research. But now you are working alongside other high achievers. You are under pressure to create great posters, papers... even a thesis. Oh, and then you need to write grants applications that get funded. 

And you may not believe that you are a great writer and you seldom think that a day devoted to writing will be 'great fun'!

  • If you...

  • feel lost each time you sit down to write

  • can write but time pressures keep getting in the way

  • want to communicate your ideas more clearly

  • then we can help.

Quality Papers

Academic research comes to life when your work gets published and someone else reads it. The ThinkWrite approach to writing papers and articles helps you target a journal, create a clear structure and core message to boost your confidence – along with your chances of acceptance!

My Thesis in 10 steps

Does submitting your thesis in time seem like an impossible challenge? We can help you develop a clear structure to your thesis and show you how to move your research into a narrative form. You’ll take control of the project, rather than your thesis controlling you!

Eye-catching posters

Want to create research posters that engage and deliver beyond the conference? ThinkWrite's approach will help you build posters that catch the eye, enabling you to find your academic voice and see how your ideas work within a wider community.

Targeted Grants

You can't do research without funds. But competition is incredibly high. Winning your next funding will require writing a proposal that excites the specific funder. To do that you need to analyse their aim and then show how you can address it.

Writing Progress Days

Break the loneliness as you push your writing forwards

This Zoom-led session creates a framework for you to discuss where you are at with a writing project, and gain inspiration from others.

We each all set personal goals for the day and then aim to make progress... meeting up at at intervals to gain encouragement and review progress.

Our clients include

Florence Nightingale Foundation logo
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosiences Logo
London School of Economics logo
NHS logo
University of Bristol logo
University of Oxford: Logo